The mission of Spokane Preservation Advocates is to preserve and enhance the
historic character of Spokane and Spokane County through advocacy, education and preservation.
Spokane Preservation Advocates was formed in 1997 by a group of local historic preservation advocates who believed in the value of preservation and its role in enhancing Spokane’s quality of life. These preservation pioneers saw the need for a new organization in Spokane; one that would supplement the work of existing preservation-related groups while also providing a strong advocacy voice for preservation issues. From the very beginning, SPA has been an inclusive group, open to anyone who shares a commitment to historic preservation. Today the organization retains the vibrancy of collective action in support of our community’s architectural heritage.

SPA began small, but within the first six months had formed three committees, held five Doing-It projects, and gained 40 members. In 1999, the Heritage Fund was established, initially through board member donations. Members contributed, and over $2,500 was raised and donated to launch the campaign for the restoration of the Fox Theater. Later advocacy issues included the Rookery Block, Jensen-Byrd building, Spokane’s Auto Row, Bishop White Seminary, historic schools renovations, and many others. While not always successful, SPA’s efforts have largely resulted in preservation of historic properties in our community, both through our own efforts and by partnering with other organizations. From those early days to the present, SPA has remained focused on its mission to preserve and enhance Spokane’s historic architectural integrity.
SPA’s Annual
Auction / Fundraiser
Winter Lecture Series
SPA Historic Preservation Awards
The Board of Directors gathers monthly to plan and coordinate SPA’s activities. These meetings are open to all members and interested parties, and dates/locations are posted on the Events Calendar. If you are interested in being added to the agenda, please contact Dave Shockley, [email protected].
We would to acknowledge the following individual sponsors who have generously given to Spokane Preservation Advocates.
Larry Stone & Jan Jecha
Greg & Alicia True
Brian & Patty Westmoreland
Steve & Tresa Schmautz
Larry & Linda Milsow
Patti Simpson Ward